Good quality, freshly roasted (within two weeks) coffee is single most important factor in making good coffee. A coffee grinder helps; but buying pre-ground coffee is so convenient! Tip: Peet’s “Big Bang” ($7.99 sale, $9.99 regular for a 12 oz. bag) available at Fred Meyer is a good choice. A good pour over technique helps too. This recipe makes a six oz. serving of coffee.
Equipment: Air sealed coffee canister, silicone coffee cone, #2 Melitta filter, glass coffee mug, hot water maker, and cell phone timer app.
- Heat filtered water to 205°
- Moisten the Miletta filter with water
- Put a heaping tablespoon of ground coffee in the Melitta filter
- Slowly [our just enough water (1-2 oz) to bloom the coffee.
- Wait 45 seconds.
- Slowly pour about 2-3 oz of water
- Wait about a minute
- Slowly pour another 2-3 oz of water
- Done
Total brewing time is about 3.5 minutes